GNU Screen a hardstatus

18. 7. 2007 16:13 | Linux | Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem GNU Screen a hardstatus

Dneska sem si upravil hardstatus ve screenu, a jelikoz by se to mohlo nekomu hodit, tak to sem dam, i se screenem.

tohle prijde do /etc/screenrc nebo do ~/.screenrc

hardstatus alwayslastline "%{kg}%n:%t pocasi: %1` %{kg}%-40=%l %{kG}%c:%s %D, %d.%m.%Y "
caption always " | %-w%{= BW}%50>%n %t%{-}%+w |%<" backtick 1 0 60 teplota shelltitle "$ |bash"

a tohle mam v /bin/teplota
wget -q -O /tmp/temp.txt
echo `cat /tmp/temp.txt |head -n 1`C `cat /tmp/temp.txt |head -n 3|tail -n 1`hPa `cat /tmp/temp.txt |tail -n 1`LUX
rm /tmp/temp.txt


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